About Us

About Us

The mission of the UCF Center for Humanities and Digital Research (CHDR) is to serve as an engine for cross-disciplinary collaboration, multi-institutional partnerships, sponsored research and publication, community engagement, and public humanities programming. It facilitates the exchange of ideas and the sharing of knowledge through the co-hosting of workshops, consortia, and conferences.

The Center was founded in 2007, and succeeded the Humanities Center Initiative, which has hosted conferences and speakers and supported research projects since 2005. In 2020, it received an NEH Challenge Grant to expand facilities and equipment, build community partnerships, and further develop public programming and outreach.


Bruce Janz

Professor, Philosophy

Mark Kamrath

Professor, English

Scot French

Associate Director
Professor, History

Amy Giroux

Associate Director
Faculty, Texts & Technology

Brook Miller

Applications Developer

Mike Shier

Research Program Coordinator
Faculty, Texts & Technology

Graduate Research Associates

Alyssa Barrack

Texts & Technology PhD Student

Monica Gonzalez Burgos

Texts & Technology PhD Student

Justin Whittington

Texts & Technology PhD Student

Ryu Yamamoto

Texts & Technology PhD Student

Former Graduate Research Associates

Frederic Caeyers

Yingzi Kong

Michael Merriam

Nicole Neece

Mirek Stolee

Kathryn Loesel

Matthew Stapleton

Daria Sinyagovskaya

Evan Wallace

Jesslyn Parrish

Jack Murray

Robert Clarke


Chris Foley


Mark Kretzschmar


Mia Tignor

Rachel Winter


Affiliated Scholars

Rosalind Beiler

Jeremy Carnes

Sai Deng

Will Dorner

Lee Dotson

Marcy Galbreath

Mark Heinrich

Emily Johnson

Connie Lester

Rudy McDaniel

Sarah Norris

Yovanna Pineda

Jessica Robkin

Lori Walters

Beth Young

For Faculty + Staff

For faculty and staff researchers at UCF, CHDR offers opportunities and tools to foster collaboration and propel research beyond the bounds of the traditional humanities.

CHDR provides space, resources, expertise, programming, and digital research support both for individuals and scholars who seek to collaboratively address issues of central concern to our time and place, to connect history to the present, and to explore new ways of understanding, and educating others about, the diversity of cultures and ideas in our society and around the globe.

We also, after collaborating on projects with faculty and staff at UCF, seek grant opportunities to expand the scope and legitimacy of ongoing or novel digital humanities projects.

If you are a researcher at UCF interested in starting a new digital humanities project, continuing and extending your current work on one, consulting about technical requirements for your research, or anything at all pertaining to digital humanities, either stop by our space in TCH 321 during business hours or otherwise contact us.

For Students

The humanities center has a special mandate in the digital humanities, that is, to provide students opportunities for high impact learning experiences with tools and techniques based in computing for creating, archiving, cataloguing, investigating, and disseminating material related to human experience and representation, as well as in the investigation of the impact of the digital world on human meaning. Digital technology allows the study of traditional and recent material in new ways, and it also provides new paradigms of scholarship for students to work in.

We support learning opportunities for all students, but are particularly well suited to the undergraduate minor in Digital Humanities and all specializations in the Texts and Technology PhD.

We offer both and funded and unfunded work on projects and journals affiliated with the center, as well as internships for credit. If you are a current graduate or undergraduate student at UCF and want to learn about digital humanities, publishing, or use our tools for a project, please contact us. Graduate research assistantships are funded in the Center through the Texts & Technology PhD program.

For Community Members

Even if you aren’t a faculty member at UCF, there are still plenty of opportunities for working with CHDR. We have fostered many relationships with community partners over the years on projects as wide-ranging as archiving, digital conversion of assets, or website building, to shooting drone footage, recording spaces in 360 video, or doing detailed laser scanning of artifacts and buildings.

If you are in possession of historical records (printed, audio, video), a library of books or journals, or work at a historical location and are seeking conversation and preservation of your site, or imagine any value in a collaboration with CHDR, please contact us.

Center for Humanities and Digital Research
University of Central Florida
12796 Aquarius Agora Drive
Suite 321
Orlando, FL 32816-1990